Tips For Teaching 1-D Kinematics

by | Sep 4, 2023

When I first delved into the world of physics, a profound affection for the subject bloomed within me. It all began with 1-D Kinematics – a chapter that resonated deeply with that curious young version of myself, the one who incessantly questioned, “But why?” It felt as if this class held the key to finally unraveling the answers to all those persistent queries. Yet, amidst this initial love affair, chaos ensued. Variables and equations multiplied like wildfire. Images, words, graphs, numbers – they were everywhere. It seemed that every aspect I disliked about math class had now infiltrated each problem, further complicated by a perplexing philosophy class. Though the love remained, a pang of sadness nestled in my heart, hinting that this relationship might not endure. I felt insufficient, not smart enough. I believed I couldn’t measure up.

However, I persevered in that “relationship” (the class). Regrettably, I often found myself relegated to admiring from a distance, lost in bewilderment. I convinced myself that someone more intelligent, more gifted, was more deserving of, and capable of, appreciating the marvels of physics.

What a misconception that was! During my time as a student teacher, I was fortunate to be under the guidance of an incredible mentor teacher. This mentor transformed the chaotic mess of variables, words, equations, and more into a streamlined, comprehensible system. It was an epiphany. From that point forward, I realized that if students possessed the tools to organize their information, the class became remarkably more manageable.

In this video, I delve into the invaluable tips and tricks you can employ to simplify 1-D Kinematics for your students:

Here’s to hoping your year is off to a fantastic start!

Physics Store, if you are interested:

1 – D Kinematics Full Unit Bundle
1- D Kinematics Lab Bundle

Warm Regards,

Ray Burns

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