Teaching High School Physics With Minimal Math

by | Aug 29, 2023

A controversial topic to discuss. Some teachers assert that learning physics without a foundation in math is implausible. Conversely, others argue that a student’s limited mathematical knowledge shouldn’t hinder their ability to grasp physics.

Personally, I am inclined towards the latter perspective. Physics is an exquisite subject that I hold in the highest regard, and I aspire to expose as many students as possible to its wonders. Often, when people hear “Physics,” they automatically associate it with being intellectually brilliant. While this praise is heartening, I detest the notion that physics is solely reserved for the scholastically gifted.

I crafted an extensive formula sheet tailored to aid students who grapple with Algebra. This tool streamlines many common equations employed in a physics class, alleviating the need for students to manipulate them independently. You can access this complimentary resource here.

I acknowledge that this formula sheet might not be needed for everyone. However, if a student’s struggle in physics class stems solely from math challenges, I advocate for them to utilize this “Extensive Formula Sheet.” It allows them to channel their focus toward what truly matters – the physics.

Here is a 7-minute Video in which I discuss why prioritizing Math shouldn’t be the focus in a physics classroom, and I also outline steps you can take to bring Physics into the spotlight.

I’m curious to learn which stance you hold. Do you believe a solid grasp of math is imperative to comprehend physics? Or do you advocate for less emphasis on math in a high school physics curriculum?

Sending you my best wishes,

Ray Burns

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