Projectile Motion | Tips and Tricks For Teaching

by | Oct 12, 2023

I can still vividly recall when I first delved into the realm of Projectile Motion. The teacher presented this enormous board covered in numbers and letters that seemed to be scattered in total disarray. Every inch of that board appeared to be filled with what, to my eyes, looked like pure chaos. None of it made any sense to me, and I believed I’d never grasp any of it.

Then, I had the fortune of meeting another teacher who had a different approach. They systematically organized and dissected the problem into multiple manageable steps. It was a game-changer that completely transformed my perception of the entire chapter.

In this video, I walk you through the process of breaking down and structuring problems related to Projectile Motion. With this approach, any student with a solid foundation in math can tackle and solve these types of problems.



Wishing you all the very best!



Projectile Motion Full Unit
Projectile Motion Lab Bundle

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