Need a Summer Assignment for Physics??

by | Apr 22, 2024

Let me start by saying that as a student, I absolutely despised summer assignments. Teachers would assign multiple books to read and hand out worksheet packets as thick as a book. Then, two days before summer ended, I’d be frantically calling my friends and scouring the internet for summaries and answers to my summer assignments. As I’ve mentioned before, I wasn’t exactly the best student…

Now, as a teacher, it also bothers me to assign work during breaks and over the summer. However, I feel like I’ve found a happy medium when it comes to summer assignments. The summer work I assign to my students mainly consists of basic algebra problems that students should already be familiar with before entering my classroom. I’ve literally had students finish the summer packet in one day before summer break even began. However, for students who struggle with the algebra or geometry needed for physics, this can be much more challenging.

In addition to the algebra packet, I also have students watch a few YouTube videos to learn what physics is all about. This is mainly to get them excited about the subject and look forward to the fall.

If you’re interested in using the same summer packet that I give out for free! 😊

Wishing you all the very best!

Ray (Physics Burns)

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