Fun Videos to Watch on the Unit Energy and Work

by | Jan 1, 2024

As a former student, I found school challenging mainly because everything seemed disconnected from the real world. In my physics classroom, I make an effort to bridge that gap by illustrating how each chapter relates to practical applications.

In our current unit on Work and Energy, we frequently use energy bar graphs to solve problems. I’ve curated some engaging videos for my students, encouraging them to create general energy bar graphs at different points in the clips:

Additionally, here are some captivating real-world videos I share during the Work and Energy chapter:

A Mountain Biker utilizing Gravitational Potential Energy for tricks with minimal pedaling (1:13 – 3:30).

Understanding the concept of a Calorie – exploring how food provides us with energy.

An amusement park powered solely by mechanical energy.

Feel free to incorporate these videos into your classroom, and I sincerely hope your students find them as enjoyable and enlightening as mine do! 😊

Full Unit Bundle – Energy and Work

Lab Bundle – Energy and Work

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