Fun Demos for Uniform Circular Motion

by | Nov 12, 2023

“Why is there water on the floor?” A student asks as he walks into class. I reply, “the last class did not know how to harness the powers of physics.”

This scenario unfolded after we conducted a demonstration where we swung a cup of water in a vertical circle, as shown this video. I began by demonstrating how to perform it without spilling any water, utilizing the principles of physics. Then, another student successfully replicated the feat. However, the next student in the class dropped the cup, resulting in water splattering everywhere. I’ve conducted this demonstration every year, and I’ve come to expect that in nearly 4 out of 5 classes, someone will spill the cup, creating a watery mess. Despite the inconvenience of cleaning up, I continue to do this because I’ve found that creating a bit of chaos and letting water spill actually makes the class even more memorable.

Here are some of my favorite demonstrations and experiments for this unit:

1. Hammer Throw: I demonstrate this in class using a tennis ball wrapped around some string. I spin the ball and ask the students what will happen if I let go of the ball when it’s facing them. We then delve into the physics behind it. Please note that this demo requires good timing on your part.

2. Running through a Loop the loop

3. Driving through a loop the loop

4. How does the Gravitron work?

These videos and demos are fantastic ways to get the class excited and engaged in learning about Uniform Circular Motion.

Full Unit Bundle – Uniform Circular Motion and Universal Gravitation
Lab Bundle – Unform Circular Motion and Universal Gravitation

Best regards,


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